Plans approved for the Principality Stadium walkover, similar to Up at the O2 in London
THE Principality Stadium plan to offer a new tourist attraction to rival London and Sydney’s adrenalin-fuelled skywalks has been approved by Cardiff council.
The skywalk, perfect for daredevils looking for panoramic views of Cardiff, will consist of a walk over the stadium roof, multiple climbs up the iconic stadium pillars and a zip-wire.
Plans depict a walkway over the central arch of the stadium roof and a 15m high zip-wire. The Principality will be the first stadium with a rooftop zip-wire in the UK, providing views of the city skyline.

The plan states that “it will be a great attraction for the city and will attract visitor/tourism spend”.
Up at the O2 in London welcomed 123,176 climbers in 2019 and since opening in 2012 has welcomed over 750,000 visitors. A ticket sets you back £32-37.
What to expect:
If the Principality Stadium skywalk is anything like the O2 walkover, then expect a 90-minute experience with training, climb suit, shoes and safety harness provided. The O2 walkway is 52m at its highest point but The Principality Stadium is even higher at 90m.
The zip wire will have limited opening hours within:
- Monday to Friday: 11am-6pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 9am-7pm

Conditions for use:
The O2 states that you need to be physically and mentally fit and not pregnant to use their walkover so it is likely the Cardiff skywalk will have similar conditions. The minimum age for use is eight years old so expect similar restrictions.
When will it be built?
Planning permission expires in five years, but the attraction should be open well before then.

Wheelchair access will be provided via ramps and a specifically designed wheelchair hoist made to be part of the attraction to, “increase the experience for a wheelchair user from the moment they start their ascent to the roof level.” All walks will be available to wheelchair users but accessibility will be limited for certain climbs.
Letters about the plans were sent to 333 local residents and businesses in the area. Two households objected on privacy grounds.
However, the planning report said “the distances involved, the limitations on hours and practical nature of the proposals means that the impact will not be significant or negative”.
The zip-wire will also be at least 80m from residential properties so the noise impact will be minimal. No amplified music will be played either.

Covid-19 impact
Up at the O2 will reopen on December 4 with measures in place to operate despite the pandemic so the Cardiff skywalks could still take place if coronavirus is still affecting us.