However, some residents are not convinced the changes will solve the permits problem
CARDIFF Council is introducing a zonal parking scheme in Cathays to increase the number of resident spaces and eliminate all unrestricted parking.
The council aims to give more parking to residents with a permit, and stop commuters from taking up spaces.
Residents describe parking in Cathays as a misery caused by several problems, one of which is that the council oversells permits on some streets by as much as 300%.
Cathays councillor Chris Weaver said: “The new zonal permit scheme will give residents more flexibility when parking their car.
“It will also eliminate unrestricted parking and bring the whole street under control of the permit scheme.
“Our aim is to stop commuter parking and give more parking to residents with a permit.”

However, Cathays residents remain unconvinced that the zonal system will solve their parking problem.
Leona Batten, 31, of Lisvane Street said: “The changes won’t help much in areas where there are too many cars for the number of spaces available.
“I think reducing the number of permits being issued or being more restrictive on how long visitor permits can be used for would help residents.”
Nic Hawkins, 61, who has lived on Tewkesbury Street for 30 years, is also concerned the council’s changes won’t solve the fundamental problem of demand outstripping supply.
Mr Hawkins said: “Not only have the council oversold parking permits, but they have also issued so many Homes of Multiple Occupation (HMO) licenses the area is overcrowded for car spaces.”
But the new zonal system will allow drivers to park on several streets in Cathays which come under zone C1, C2, C3 or C4, rather than just their own street.
The scheme will also get rid of unrestricted parking, meaning non-residents can’t park in most of the four zones.
For non-residents, a few spaces will be limited to two hours, and some will be pay for spaces. These restrictions won’t apply to resident permit holders, however.
The question is whether a zonal system will alleviate supply and demand issues.

Bob David, 75, who has lived on Maindy Road for 47 years, thinks it will.
Mr David said: “The changes are bound to make a positive difference.
“Currently students in HMOs often have more than three cars which they park in unrestricted areas often for days on end, thereby blocking multiple spaces on the streets.
“The council’s changes will remove these unrestricted spaces meaning students will have to make the decision to bring fewer cars or pay for the privilege of parking.
“Similarly, the commuters and shoppers will no longer be able to avoid the cost of city centre parking.”
When asked about students’ contribution to the parking problem, Coun Weaver said: “I encourage students to think twice before bringing their car to university, in some ways it is easier without a car.
“It eliminates the risk of having to call the AA in December come the end of term when their cars won’t start.
“I would also encourage everyone to share cars wherever possible and use public transport as much as possible.”
The changes are coming soon. Coun Weaver said: “Based on the feedback we’ve had; I think these changes are very likely to go ahead in the next few months.
“If so, we’re hoping to have the scheme in place early in 2022″.
- You can get full details of the consultation here.