‘Wellingtons or waders’ are required on flooded footpaths, says one resident
PARTS of Clare Road’s pavements have been left underwater by recent bad weather, with Grangetown residents blaming blocked drains and uneven surfaces for pooling water.
Heavy rain since the start of November has seen the return of the flooding which has been a problem on and off since before 2015.
Jeff O’Donovan, 51, has lived on Clare Road all his life. Large puddles regularly form outside his home, covering the pavement.

Credit: Jeff O’Donovan. Taken 03/11/22.
“It has always been an issue,” he said. “The council have on a few occasions pulled up the pavement but as you can see it’s done nothing, the drains are clogged.”
A video he took from his doorstep (below) on November 3 shows a council road-sweep clearing leaves and debris from the footpath and drains.
Two days later, the puddles returned after yet more heavy rain.

Credit: Jeff O’Donovan. Taken 05/11/22.
Samantha Shaw, another Grangetown resident, now living in neighbouring Riverside, also has concerns.
“It affects us all as in some parts of the street the whole pavement is underwater. Wellingtons or waders are required,” she said.
“I had to walk in the road to get past a huge puddle. Mums with prams and little ones on foot will have to pick up toddlers and carry over the puddles,” the grandmother, in her 50s, said.
Ms Shaw suggests returning to a previous initiative as one way to combat the flooding.
“Many years ago a flood officer came to a Riverside PACT meeting to raise awareness of a scheme in which local residents adopted their nearest drain and cleared it or informed the council if it was blocked. It was a good initiative.”
Another Grangetown resident, and YesCymru co-founder, Iestyn ap Rhobert, believes that the pavement issue on Clare Road is due to a lack of investment.
“What we see in Grangetown and other poorer parts of Cardiff is endemic to many similar communities across Wales.”
“Years of under investment, neglect and bad representation has resulted in poor basic infrastructure,” the 42-year-old said.
Work has previously taken place to re-lay some areas of the pavement along the road, which has prevented some flooding issues.

Grangetown councillor, Ash Lister, said councillors had been raising the issue for a long time. The first stage of repair works is due to be completed in a few weeks.
“We have had multiple meetings with officers about the best way forward to deal with the issues, ranging from lifting and resetting the slabs, to tarmacking the entire street.”
“The sections closed off at the moment are to allow the works to be carried out and we’re doing this section by section to minimise disruption. Officers are working with the contractor to ensure the works carried out deal with the problems raised,” he said.

The remainder of the works on Clare Road are due to be completed next year.
In the meantime, Coun Lister encourages residents to get in touch regarding pavement defects, pooling of water and blocked drains, so they can raise the issues with officers.
Grangetown councillors’ contact details are:
- Abdul Sattar Abdul.Sattar@cardiff.gov.uk
- Ash Lister Ash.Lister@cardiff.gov.uk
- Lynda Thorne lynda.thorne@cardiff.gov.uk
- Sara Robinson Sara.Robinson@cardiff.gov.uk