That’s despite 100 people gathering to protest against the rent increase
A CAFE run by and for neurodivergent people was forced out of its previous location because its landlord increased rent by 50%, according to co-director Alice Brown.
Aubergine cafe found a new space to move into during the campaign against the rent increase according to Acorn, the community union which helped the cafe in their efforts to fight the rent rise.
Aubergine has been based in Cathays community centre since August 2023.

The co-director Ms Brown (who uses the pronouns she/they) is autistic and passionate about the good work that Aubergine does in their community.
She said: “People don’t often put autism or neurodivergence and joyfulness together. They see it as a tragedy almost, something that’s sad, and that’s absolutely not been my experience since I’ve come here.”
The cafe received a lot of support when there were worries that it would have to close because of the rent rise. At one point, 100 people gathered in Riverside to protest against the 50% increase.
The placards which were used in this protest have been donated to Cardiff Museum, Alice said, as a piece of the city’s social history.
Whilst it has benefitted from increased footfall in Cathays, Aubergine cafe has downsized quite significantly according to the co-director.

Nevertheless, the fact that it still exists at all is greatly appreciated by the neurodivergent community in Cardiff and beyond.
A customer from Bournemouth told Ms Brown: “It was nice, being here, to feel normal for half an hour.”
The co-director said that this customer came to the cafe again after it moved to Cathays and gave them a letter saying how glad they were that the cafe had survived.
- Aubergine cafe is looking for more volunteers – you can sign up via this link.