The Discovery pub can now stay open until 1.30am on Friday and Saturday nights – but it will close earlier during the week after police intervened
RESIDENTS have been left disappointed after a Cyncoed was given the green light to extend its opening hours.
Landlords of The Discovery pub had applied for a new licence which would have seen its opening hours extend to 1.30am Monday to Saturday, and 12.30am on Sundays.
Residents were split on the news, with more than 400 signing a petition against the bid, and more than 200 written objections sent to Cardiff Council.
At a Cardiff Council licensing sub committee meeting on Wednesday, November 13, residents living near The Discovery expressed their concerns on how the changes might affect the area, and “bring nuisance to the community”.
Currently, the pub closes at midnight Monday to Thursday, 1am on Friday and Saturday nights and 11.30pm on Sundays. However, after agreeing to amendments made by South Wales Police to the original application, the pub will now close at 11.30pm Monday to Thursday, 1.30am Friday and Saturday, and 11.30pm on Sundays.
Speaking on behalf of the residents was Coun Robert Hopkins, who told of the concerns people have about the change. “The family atmosphere under the previous ownership is at risk of being eroded,” he said.
“If the changes to opening hours are going to be small, why are they needed at all?
“A balance must be struck between the commercial interests of the pub and the impact on a quiet residential area,” he added.
Residents also had their say during the meeting. One resident, Sam Carter, sounded concern at the potential rise in crime he believed the changes could bring.
“Residents need to be reassured that there will be a local police presence,” she said.
Emotions ran high as one resident told the meeting that people are “too scared to go out” as the pub is closing, and that there has been an increase in “drunk and rowdy behaviour”.

Representatives from Croeso Pubs, which own The Discovery, said that they have “taken note of the concerns of residents, and the application has changed to address these concerns”.
Croeso Pubs, which owns popular Cardiff venues such as The Philharmonic, Brewhouse and the Blue Bell, also withdrew their requests to operate as an off-licence, as well as to host live music until midnight.