Plans over increased rents, fire safety and poor quality housing ‘do not go far enough’
PLANS to improve life for private renters in Wales have provoked a mixed reaction from tenants living in Cardiff.
A group was consulted on a Welsh government white paper designed to improve the housing stock, make rent more affordable and hold landlords accountable for repairs. Ideas include annual property checks and information showing average rents.
The tenant workshop event, hosted by the Welsh government at the Radisson Blu hotel on January 16, discussed the white paper on adequate housing and fair rents.
But there were concerns among private tenants after the event that the white paper does not go far enough.
‘What about rent control?’
Jedrzej Piwowarczyk, 26, who privately rents in Cardiff, said: “It seems like rent control was completely side tracked from the white paper.”
The Welsh government said more research was needed on how landlords would react before rent caps were introduced.
But Jedrzej, a teaching assistant, said the consultation event was the perfect opportunity to get that data.
“It needs to be discussed more. Data should come from the tenants and not only landlords.
“We have regular door-knocking sessions in my work for Acorn, a Cardiff housing union, and almost everyone we have spoken to has had problems with rent increases. Landlords can do what they want.”
The white paper also suggests allowing local authorities to act as guarantors for tenants from overseas. When Jedrzej moved to Cardiff from Poland two years ago, he struggled to find a UK-based guarantor and a holding deposit.
“The whole process of applying for a house was dreadful. Just to get considered for a house is a bit like applying for a job, so I hope breaking down barriers to rent will follow through.”

‘I fear future families will be priced out’
Abi, who does not want her full name used, lives in Birchgrove, juggles her PhD studies with part-time work as a research assistant to pay her rent. The 31-year-old said tenants like her are left vulnerable without rent control.
“Cardiff has been a land of opportunity for me to have a life, future and one day a family. I don’t want my kids in the future to be priced out.
“I’ve lived in properties which have been mouldy and have had various unaddressed defects in them. There are Annual Property Records in the white paper which aim for regular property inspections, but that proposal would only be useful if tenants’ grievances are also raised within reports.”
The Leasing Scheme in the white paper, which allows private landlords to lease their properties for social housing for 10 years, has also stirred anxiety for private renters like Abi.
“We need an explicit promise that the scheme will be temporary. It should not replace plans to build more social homes,” she said.
‘We felt trapped, like we were locked inside. Change is needed’
Other residents have told The Cardiffian they feel abandoned.
“We feel trapped, like we’re locked inside,” said one tenant, who did not want to be named.
“I work, I pay my rent on time, and I’m left with nothing. My rent has gone up. It makes you feel like a beggar. Rent control should have been discussed at the government’s consultation.”
When her children were infants, Camilla Abdulrahman, 43, lived in a private flat without fire alarms.
“I told my landlord at the time but he didn’t do anything about it. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know my rights. Some people who have never rented privately before are now probably in the same situation.”
Now living in social housing, she agrees with the idea of Annual Property Records, which would require fire alarms to be tested.

The white paper is open to public consultation until January 31, 2025. It will then become draft legislation and go before the Senedd later this year.
A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “Ensuring everyone in Wales has a decent, affordable and safe place to call home is a key ambition of this Government and the principle that everyone has a right to an adequate home is one we wholeheartedly support.
“Our White Paper on Adequate Housing, Fair Rents and Affordability is an important step in achieving this ambition and we are keen to hear from a wide range of people in response to the White Paper to inform our next steps.”