Threatening voicemail messages left by Giuseppe Trace, 25, were read out in court
A VIOLENT misogynist harassed his ex-partner with offensive messages and threatened to petrol bomb her car after the breakdown of their relationship, a court heard.
Giuseppe Trace, 25, dated the woman from when they were teenagers until August last year but after the breakup he bombarded her with phone calls and distressing voicemails, Hannah Meredith-Jones, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court.
Trace, of Brynfedw, Pentwyn, phoned his victim more than 500 times and left 43 abusive voicemails within a three-week period in August.
Recorder Jonathan Elystan Rees KC read out the voicemails in court. They included:
- “You little c***. It’s going to be war now. I promise you on my nana’s ashes, this is war.”
- “Trust me, you are going to wish you never f****** left me. I’m going to come back with a bang.”
- “On my nana’s grave, I’ll get your car blown up to smithereens. I’ll send a crackhead to your house, I don’t give a f***.”
Ms Meredith-Jones said police listended to 39 messages left by Trace and in one he threatened to petrol bomb the victim’s car. Other voicemails were silent.
On August 25 last year Trace also kicked and damaged the side of his girlfriend’s car after an argument arising from the partner’s mother stating that she couldn’t live with her daughter if she continued the relationship with Trace.
A victim impact statement from the ex-partner said: “My whole relationship was filled with abuse. I jump every time my phone rings. I’m scared to leave the house in case he is there.
“I have often parked my car away from my address in case it gets damaged.”
Trace pleaded guilty to one charge of harassment causing fear or violence, one charge of harassment without violence and one charge of criminal damage.
Ms Meredith-Jones said Trace was also arrested for a separate offence of grievous bodily harm with intent when his name was flagged up for the harassment offences.
Ms Meredith-Jones said that on September 2 last year Trace was walking towards St Mellon’s while intoxicated with two acquaintances at around 4.15am.
Trace stopped one of the acquaintances on a footbridge on the Rhymney River and lunged at him with a knife, inflicting multiple stab wounds, including an 8cm laceration to the left side of the victim’s head.
The victim waded into the River Rhymney, hid in a tunnel and phoned police. Trace was arrested at 6am. Trace was tried separately on a charge of grievous bodily harm with intent, to which he pleaded guilty, but the sentencing for that offence took place at the same time as the harassment charges.
Tabitha Walker, defending, said: “There are parts of the defendant’s character which show another side to him.
“The defendant has previously cared for family members in the past, and wants to start his own gardening business when released from custody.”
Trace has five previous convictions arising from six offences, including affray after hitting a man over the head with a metal bar during a fight.
Sentencing him, Recorder Elystan Rees KC told Trace: “You blamed your actions on the vilification of men. You had adopted misogynistic thinking to survive.
“You accepted you did exercise control over your ex-partner, and that you did it to boost your own self-esteem. You used threats of harassment because you feared rejection.
“You blurred the boundaries of respect, and victimised your ex-partner with aggression.”
Recorder Elystan Rees KC jailed Trace for 27 months for all offences concurrently. Trace will serve half of the sentence in custody before he is released to serve the rest on licence.
Trace was also ordered to pay a £149 victim surcharge.