Angry protesters call on Welsh government to soften the blow caused by reducing the number of people eligible for the allowance
Councillor Chris Weaver is the man tasked with balancing the books in Wales' capital city - which faces a £30.5m deficit
Cardiff Council Leader Huw Thomas talks about the scale of cuts being passed down to local authorities in the near future.
But average £50 Council Tax hike and £10m ‘efficiency savings’ proposed to cover budget shortfall next year A BILLION pound...
Barry Town Council reveals a 2.3% council tax rise alongside proposed budget.
Councillors concerned that ‘considerable uncertainty’ will result in restructuring council services
COVID is likely to cost Cardiff Council almost £29 million over the next six months, according to the latest budget review.
The Authority will build 2,230 council houses by 2024, many of which will be in Grangetown CARDIFF Council has begun...
Despite opposition from the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Welsh National Party, Cardiff Council passed their 2020/21 budget AN INCREASE in Council Tax from April...
CONSERVATIVE-LED Vale of Glamorgan Council passed their budget despite a large Tory rebellion. In total, 11 Conservatives abstained on the...