A PROPERTY in Grangetown that created an atmosphere of “intimidation, fear and despair” among residents has been closed up. The Thomas Street...
GRANGEMOOR Park is to be the home of a new monument celebrating diversity in commemoration of the Unesco annual International...
RESIDENTS, local councillors, and South Wales Police have all opposed a bid to extend the opening hours of a music...
A NEW social housing development off Clive Street has been given the go-ahead by councillors. This development originally planned for...
SWASTIKAS and Neo-Nazi posters have been plastered around Grangetown overnight, ahead of an anti-racism march that takes place tomorrow. At...
GRANGETOWN councillor Ashley Lister jumped out of an aeroplane on Saturday and raised over £400 for charity. Coun Lister has...
THE Grange Pavilion Project (GPP) has secured funding of over £1m to transform the Grangetown Pavilion into a dynamic community...
GRANGETOWN residents have asked police to make tackling drug-taking and anti-social behaviour in Grange Gardens their top priority. At the...
RESIDENTS, councillors and police expressed the need for a new strategy to deal with sex workers in Grangetown. Prostitution along...
THE GRANGETOWN pavilion in Grange Gardens will be transformed into a community hub, subject to funding. Community Gateway has been...