The incidents included an assault and smashing a microwave A MAN has been jailed today for four months after...
TENANTS, agencies and landlords are being asked their views on whether a licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation should...
Three trees are to be felled as part of the redevelopment of the listed building in Canton CAMPAIGNERS fighting to...
TWO Roath churches have suffered break-ins where thieves have ransacked the buildings searching for things to steal. The most recent...
GARETH Davies’ whole world came crashing down when he was just 20-years-old. He was diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition that...
ROATH’S parking problems have been raised by residents as a proposal for 14 eco-friendly homes in Plasnewydd is considered by...
THE Cardiff-wide Love Where You Live campaign received a funding increase of £50,000 in the council’s annual budget. The increase...
CARDIFF was home to a festival of folk and Celtic music on Saturday, as a variety of artists descended on...
A CELEBRATION of folk and Celtic music will be coming to Cardiff next month, when some of the nation’s most...
IT wasn’t difficult to spot which house belonged to Malcolm Murphy. Looking down a Splott street of traditional terraced houses, his stood out. ...