We took to the streets of Cardiff to find out what people think about paying more for their favourite sugary soft drinks.
A housing association is creating new permanent studio flats for homeless people in Newport that will also provide on-site support downstairs
Should public places have baby changing facilities in male toilets? Alt. Cardiff wants to know what the people of Cardiff think
Local project organisers are encouraged to take some time out of their busy schedules by attending a nature-themed wellbeing event
The Welsh initiative cARTrefu plays a crucial role during the pandemic to bring the many benefits of art to the elderly
New investment into businesses in the South Wales Valleys has just been announced. We visited Treorchy to discover if people are optimistic about their economic future.
Welsh Hearts raises funds for public defibrillators and presses for better accessibility and more public support to save Welsh lives...
Body positivity, self-love, and mental health blogger Dot Masters looks back on how, amidst the chaos, the pandemic helped them discover themselves
On 30th November, Cardiff People’s Assembly is hosting an event with Selma James, “Women Race and Class: Uniting Our Struggles”
During the ongoing COP26 conference, organisers in Cardiff are giving a chance for all concerned voices to be heard across the city this Saturday