Murals have been appearing on walls around Splott as part of Extinction Rebellion's protest against a second commercial waste incinerator
Brains Brewery have decided to extend the #StrawsSuck campaign, with straws no longer being automatically given in 103 of their pubs
An exploration into the thousands of animal tests taking place on your doorstep
Reports indicate an increase in independent feeling across Wales, mainly influenced by ongoing Brexit negotiations
Amidst the cigarette litter crisis, Yvette Bishop says: “Let’s work together to make our planet cleaner - even if you are a smoker.”
Wales is the only country in the UK without a specialised deaf mental health service. A new report calls for the government to make a change
Wales was revealed as the region with the lowest knife crime rate on the same day as a Cardiff stabbing last week
Residents of Danescourt have come up with a colour-coded system in order to combat Coronavirus-related anxiety around Halloween
Community interest group Green City Events is campaigning to stop a derelict park from being sold for redevelopment by Cardiff Council
Love your Clothes is challenging Cardiff to upcycle its clothes this half-term week