Freedom of expression, or an urban blight? A man dressed against the biting cold, his woollen hat pulled down low...
Street art on the walls of the new Fashion Quarter on Womanby Street is proving a hit with residents of...
The street artist who is responsible for a part of the new graffiti on the Cardiff Fashion Quarter walls and...
Live by the beach, have a house, marry his girlfriend and put Cardiff on the art map- the things illustrator Phil Morgan wants in his big picture
Abstract magazine explores the thriving local street art scene
The multi-talented graffiti artist, bgirl and spoken word poet partners with the RSPB to protect Welsh wildlife
Cardiff-based street artist, Unity, helped the council “make people smile” with her colourful paintings on Fanny Street
Various activists are using street art around the city to raise awareness of climate concerns and its impact on the cost of living
Iranian street artist Sahar Saki explains how she has used her creativity to kickstart the Women Life Freedom movement in Cardiff