Dive into your wardrobe for some Y2K styles

You’ve probably realised this by now, but Gorpcore is damn expensive. Everything from slick white Jordans to North Face puffer jackets will break the bank if you buy them new. Even in our last challenge, where team GORP tried to recreate the iconic Gorpcore looks of Princess Diana and Frank Ocean in a thrift store, staying within the budget proved to be more difficult than anticipated.
However, you might find that a rummage in your wardrobe could uncover some Gorpcore clothing that was clearly ahead of its time.
1. Flashback fleece

You know that faded fleece jacket your mum bought you ages ago that’s maybe unworn and gathering dust? Well guess what, that same fleece is having a bit of a moment these days. Dig it out the back of your wardrobe, dust it off, and style it with a pair of baggy jeans, and voilà, you’ve got a brand new #Gorpcore look.
You can also raid your parents’ vintage collection, as retailer Helly Hansen introduced the stylish fleece in the 1960s. Every 20-something back in the day had either those or their knock-offs – all of which can be upcycled for a fashionable look today.
2. Pair of overalls

While we don’t know what it is with dads and their random urge to suddenly fix all the leaky taps, broken door knobs and furniture on weekends, there is one good thing to come out of it – their trusty overalls. If you can get your hands on some, consider putting them in the washing machine (definitely more than once, thanks to all the hard work and hence the sweat) and throw them on with your favourite hoodie.
3. Bum bag boom

If your parents also frantically bought you a cross-body bum bag on your first school trip, you might have already bagged yourself a free Gorp treat. While we all unfastened the bag the moment our parents were out of sight, it’s undeniably the must-have accessory at the moment. Equal parts utilitarian and Gorpcore in nature, the bum bag is perfect for your shopping, hiking and exploring escapades.
4. Tiny tinted sunglasses

The best memory from childhood? Going to a summer festival and buying sunnies with alarming red frames and a lens size suitable only for a newborn. Well, they were all the rage then and they’re back in the game now. Trusted by the likes of Y2K influencer Tegan Amelia, they can single handedly take your look from one to ten on the Gorp scale.