A small coffee shop hidden in the garden provides customers with coffee and beautiful scenery every day.

Brodies Coffee is located in the Gorsedd Gardens, in front of the National Museum of Wales. The seats of the coffee shop are in the garden, which is open-air, with several beautiful trees next to them.
Many customers are residents of the neighbourhood. They come to have a cup of coffee, bask in the sun and enjoy the scenery of the park before or after they go to work.

“It was a shame because you can’t get speciality coffee outside in Cardiff at all before we started, so we wanted to bring good coffee outdoors,” said Ian Brodie, one of the coffee shop owners.
When the weather is good, the natural scenery of Gorsedd Garden makes many people stop and have a seat in this open-air coffee shop. “Whether you are having a bad day or a great day, you will always leave with an extra spring in your step,” wrote a customer’s comments on Facebook.

This coffee shop has a special service for homeless people. Customers can donate at will, and the money will be used to offer free coffee and hot tea to homeless people.
“If they want a free cup of coffee but no one donates, Ian will buy it for them,” said Jim, the barista in the shop.

Brodies Coffee is run by lan Brodie and his wife Danni Brodie. They built their own coffee company many years ago, and this is the smallest one of their three coffee shops and the one with the best scenery.
“We’ve been in the coffee business for about 11 years, we started up with a camper van and we’ve been in here in the garden for about 8 years,” said Ian.

Brodies Coffee’s first coffee shop was set up inside a camper van. At that time, they drove to some festivals and markets to sell coffee and snacks. In 2015, they chose this cabin as their second coffee shop.
In June this year, they opened a new coffee shop in the Heath Park.