Cardiff Central Market- A Blend of the Old and the Contemporary.

As the footfall in the Cardiff Central Market drops, can the newer ventures promise a longer life?

Cardiff Central Market entrance.

Experience the perfect blend of the ancient and modern culture at the Cardiff Central Market.

Located at St. Mary’s Street, Cardiff Central Market is one of the most ancient markets of the city with a wide range of businesses from fishmongers to bookstores and from barbershops to new vegan cafes and restaurants.

The Victorian market saw a decreasing foot fall over the years, but the older generations still prefer shopping here. “I never go to the supermarkets in the city because I like fresh food and I like cooking it myself,” said Byron Howell, 63, a regular at the market since 20 years.

Geoffrey Beer, who runs the Market Deli store since the past 38 years said, “The older generations are dying and are not being replaced by the youngsters.” The market is slowly adapting to the modern culture and its changes too. Dave Brown, 62, a porter working there since 17 years said, “Because of a few new cafes, the market is picking up on the youngsters of the city as well, but as the car parking in the city is expensive, people prefer the outer city stores.”

The market opened in May 1981 before which the Cardiff Gaol, a women’s prison existed at the entrance of the St. Mary’s Street. The last man to be hung there on August 13, 1831 was Dic Penderyn, a plaque providing more information about this has been put up at the entrance of the market. It started as a farmers market, but with time newer businesses like the Naked Vegan, the Tea Pot Café and a few others opened up. 

The plaque at the market entrance where the public execution was held.

Carly Griffin, 30, of The Sage Deli said, “A lot of the businesses at the market were initially family owned, this has changed over the years. Earlier we would only get sandwiches for prepared food, but the newer cuisines attract the younger crowd and office employees.” 

The Sage Deli, one of the contemporary stores at the Cardiff Central Market.

The older people come to enjoy their favourite food and the younger crowd comes for the new interesting cuisines which gives the place a mix of old school and new school vibe.