I Want to Ride My Bike café is not only a café for food and drinks but a great place to meet cycling enthusiasts and climate change activists.

The café on Park place opened in 2007. Before it opened, the owner of the café, Jonathan Wright, wanted a name that was memorable. At last, he took inspiration from The Queen’s song, and decided to name it—I Want to Ride My Bike. The café is known for its delicious cakes and it is also a comfortable environment to connect with people who love cycling. Apart from that, the café is where many environmental groups frequent.

Yet, this cozy café offers more than you could ever imagine. The café offers different levels of repair courses according to your maintenance skills and previous experience. Also, you can also share your love of cycling with other bike enthusiasts on bike rides held on weekends and weekdays. Apart from that, the café has also found ways to respond to climate change. As a way to promote the Welsh government’s plan to switch to more sustainable transport, the coffee shop now offers courses that teach people how to commute by bike safely. When asked about his thoughts on Cardiff’s current cycling infrastructure, Jonathan mentioned that having longer cycling lanes for commuting cyclists could really change the way people travel.

Jonathan said, “Cardiff has always had some cycling lanes but they end up being very stop-starts…especially when you’re cycling with children or you’re nervous cyclist, you wouldn’t be able to use this infrastructure. So, we would describe that as quite poor quality cycling infrastructure, whereas ones which will run for a long distance and allow you to come in from the outskirts of Cardiff right into the centre, that’s something that can make a real difference for people.”

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ridemybikecafe/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ridemybikecafe?lang=en
Opening hours:
Mon- Fri 8am-9:30pm Sat 9:30am–8pm Sun 9:30am–5pm