Women are gathering in Cardiff this week to discuss the impact of violence and sexual assault.
Women need to speak out against sexual violence, according to the organizer of a campaign event in Canton this weekend.
The Welsh Women’s Aid conference will bring activists and industry professionals together at Canton’s Chapter Art Center, including changer maker Gwendolyn Sterk.
“One in three women in Wales experience physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives but we know the shame women experience can silence them into not speaking out about their experiences,” said Gwendolyn.

Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women as well as to do this by campaigning for change and providing advice, consultancy, support, and training to deliver policy and service improvements for survivors, families, and communities.
Cardiff has a higher rate of violent and sexual assault (22.96%) than any other crime category, Canton included.
The highest crime rate occurs in July and August in each year and the victims are mostly women, such as there were 2,153 violent and sexual assault cases in Cardiff in 2018.
Over the last year, millions of courageous survivors of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage.
“We will help them according to their personal situation, such as holding some dialogue session, or allowing participants to hold activities freely, such as the upcoming charity sale of welsh cakes,” said Chisomo Phiri.
Welsh Women’s Aid is also working with the Cardiff university student union in their communities to raise awareness of sexual harassment and to challenge attitudes and change behaviors.
“They provide life-saving and life-changing support to women are affected. So that might be safe refuge space,” Said Gwendolyn Sterk.
There is also a free 24-hour Fear Free Helpline with Welsh, English and any other languages, and offer extra help with emergency accommodation, legal issues, and local support services.

As part of this year’s 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, this organization will be asking activists, industry professionals and survivors to come together to take actions to challenge attitudes and change cultures which allow sexual harassment to flourish.