Language preservation group campaign for the Welsh Government to invest more in their Sabbatical Scheme might be the only way to meet its 2050 goal

Over 17,000 teachers are needed if the Welsh government is going to meet its ambitious target of one million Welsh speakers by the year 2050, according to a leading campaign group.
The report published by the language preservation advocacy group Dyfofol I’r Iaith, suggested more investment in the Welsh Government Sabbatical Scheme would help address the shortage of Welsh-speaking schoolteachers.
“We are, however, dismayed by the lack of necessary action by the Welsh Government,” said, Heini Gruffudd, who conducted the report for Dyfofol I’r Iaith.
“Having accepted a target of a million speakers, broadly doubling the number of Welsh speakers today, by 2050, the Government has not yet responded with the necessary wide-ranging schemes that could bring this about.”
The committee was further disappointed when the Cabinet Secretary for Education Lynne Neagle assured them that there was no need to increase the number of teachers if Welsh medium education did not grow.

Mr Gruffudd further stated, “The growth of Welsh medium education is being stifled by delay in decision making, delay in planning.
“The target of a million is certainly ambitious. Doubling the number of speakers calls for more than doubling efforts as it means establishing new schools, training far more teachers. As we see it the appropriate large-scale action does not seem too forthcoming.”
The Welsh Government published the Welsh Language and Education Bill in July, indicating its unwavering dedication to achieving the Cymraeg 2050 objective of One million Welsh speakers.
A spokeswoman for the Cabinet Secretary for Education said, “This is a long-term plan and it will take time for some of the steps being taken to take effect.”
Plaid Cymru MS and committee chairwoman Delyth Jewell said, “This Committee is supportive of the target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050, but that ambition is in serious jeopardy if things continue as they are.
“It’s clear that having enough teachers who can speak Welsh is crucial to addressing this issue and we need the Welsh Government to show real ambition over the next few years. More teachers should be encouraged to learn Welsh and those working in early-years education should also be able to access the same opportunities.”