We interview some Cardiff young people on the street about housing and renting, their answers are varied.
A million more UK’s young adults aged 20 to 34 years old are living with their parents than 15 years ago, according to recent research. Experts said living with parents may cause young people to lose their independence and intergeneration conflicts. We interview some Cardiff people on the street about housing and renting their answers are varied.
Keli Kanana Dasa, 24, monk

“I am a monk, I am living with other people from all around the world, it’s quite fun. Our life is simple, we don’t have TV or other stuff. We wake up before 4:00 am, we go to our temple, practice meditation and go out to feed the poor, so I spend most of my time outside.”
Meredydd, 29, sales advisor

“I live alone and I bought the house two years ago. I was quite lucky that I saved money as much as I can and my parents helped me to pay the deposit of the house as well. I know it’s quite hard to buy a house now, because of the gold, the Brexit and jobs and etc.”
Mohammed, 23, unemployed

“I don’t like living with my parents, I am a local and I want to move out but I can’t afford it, I got problems at home. If I move out, rent and buying food are expensive. At the moment, if I want to spend time with friends or have a party, I would go to their house.”
Sam, 16, student

“Living with my parents is helpful, my parents support me the things I do and help my education, it’s comfortable living with family. In the future, if I go to the university outside Cardiff, I would move out, but if I get a job, it depends.”
Hannah, 23, support worker

“I love it. I got my dog at home, I got my family next to me and I never move out. I won’t move out in the future, I want to travel first, so I want to get good finances. And I really feel comfortable at home.”
Lewis Bain, 21, student

“When I lived with my parents, we argued a lot, like how you washing up, cooking food and keeping your room tidy. I just get used to it, I don’t feel bad because I know what is going to happen. Afterward, I moved out and now I live alone, I get freedom and do everything that I want.”