Should we legalize Cannabis?

The police in Cardiff arrested two men at Crwys Road on suspicion of the production of Cannabis. Since the use of Cannabis is continuously increasing in Cardiff, we asked the public should we legalize cannabis.

The traffic in Crwys Road has returned to normal after the arrest action by police.

According to national statistics office, in 2014,  cannabis offences accounted for 67% of all recorded drug offences in the UK and the cases number have been growing up. However, in May, 2017, hundreds of people marched through the centre of Cardiff calling for cannabis to be legalized. There are quite a few debates on this issue.

EVERYONE seems has an opinion on whether or not cannabis should be legalized,so we asked the public about their own personal preference.
Mario, 29, master student in cardiff metropolitan university

Mraio. Photograph by Shuang Chen.

I think the legalization of cannabis is not good for the society.When people smoke these things, they usually misbehave.The most important thing is to educate, if we educate people properly in schools, they gonna grow up healthy.

Ivo Melo, 26, from Portugal

Ivo Melo. Photograph by Shuang Chen.

My opinion is to legalize the cannabis, not only Cardiff, but also the whole Europe, for medical purposes.The youth nowadays usually look for risky activities, but if we legalize cannabis, may be the youth would stay away from that.

Danielle Wheadon, 25, Store maneger, Cardiff

Danielle Wheadon. Photograph by Shuang Chen.

Why not , I mean , people do smoke grass everywhere and it seems cannot be stopped. Also,the legalization of cannabis can do good to some medical reasons.

Ryan Been,25, Land Surgeon, Caridff

Ryan .Photograph by Shuang Chen.

I don’t think we should legalize the cannabis because it is drug.It does the suicide effects which have been clearly shown in videos and social media.However, in America, cannabis has shown that it  brings some benefits to patients,so it could be used by doctors.

Lora Jones, Genetics student in Cardiff Universtiy

Lora Jones. Photograph by Shuang Chen.

My answer is yes, we should legalize the cannabis.The reason is it treats pain for people with multiple sclerosis. If we legalize the cannabis, it can be buy in pharmacies, that could be safer. Cannabis do not kill people, it is not dangerous than alcohols. Although I am not,I do know many people who smoke the grass.