Tremorfa residents take immediately action to keep their only park tidy

Caring Tremorfa residents contribute their Saturday morning monthly to pick up 20 bags of litter in Tremorfa’s only park.

Rip grat, volunteer from Tremorfa, is one of the organizers of the litter pick. Originally, she was worried that her dog and other wildlife, like birds, would eat the park’s rubbish and that could be bad for their health.

So she launched the litter pick which was afterward supported by Keep Wales Tidy. They provide all the equipment for picking up rubbish.

The volunteers put the rubbish they collect next to the bins, then Cardiff Council take it away. “The council doesn’t have enough resources to pick up litter,” said Richard Trueman, another organizer of Tremorfa park’s litter pick.
“If we don’t pick it up, plastics will be here for years, even for 100 years, continuing to impact the environment,” said Richard Trueman.

“This is the easiest way for others to notice us, so that more volunteers can join us and keep the park tidy together.”