Around 2000 people joined the Santa Dash in Cardiff Bay last Sunday.

Runners in Christmas costumes took part in a 5k Santa Dash in Cardiff Bay to raise money for a Welsh Hearts charity.
The money raised will help to improve heart screening for Welsh public, place defibrillators in a number of Welsh communities and deliver CPR training.

Julie, who work as a nurse said, “It is the first year that I join it. My friend recommended it to me. It is a great cause with Welsh Hearts. Mainly for the charity and a bit for the fun.”

Zoe came here with her family. She said:” We usually do it Santa one at Mountain Ash or Aberdare, but this year we want to come here because we want to raise the money for the school, for the welsh hearts and festival spirit.
” It is nice for the children to be involved. All the teacher also come from the local school. I am exciting and look forward to it. Nice to see everyone dress up like Santa, snowman.”

Joawnne is looking after her friend’s puppy. Her friend joined the run with Joawnne’s daughter and husband. But she did not like running but if it was walking for the charity, she would join it.

Rhys who was the first one to finish the run, said, “ I am Surprised, really not expected to win. There are so many people from different ages and different abilities of running. It is incredible that so many people taking part and having fun. ”