Competitors from across Wales gather in Cardiff to ranking points for bigger tournaments.

The table tennis player across Wales have arrived in Cardiff to compete for ranking points that could help them get into higher level events.
Teams came from all places around Wales will play with each other. It is very important for ranking points, and for selections for bigger tournaments. The winner will get £ 500 as a reward.
Ryan Jenkins, the coach director said: “It is personal prevail, they come together as a team, so it is good for the town or city where they from, so obviously it is nice for them to get respect from their host town.”
This competition runs every year, one before Christmas, one after Christmas, and there is no requirements for athletes, each team must have at least three players, and can mix male or female.
Scott Johnston, one contestant said: “It is good but challenging, with a lot of different players from different ages.”

Phill Mead, one of the audience said: “I enjoy it, it is really good, especially for the youngest. My son has also participated in the competition and he played table tennis for 14 months.
“It is good to have competition at a young age, although there is older people in here. I think it is good to put the youngest against the people who are considered to be better than them, it could be good for them in the long run.”
As with most sports, table tennis provides excellent physical and mental stimulation, aerobics and social activities, but the overall risk of injury from table tennis is very low.
Lara Whitton, a 15-year-old female player said: “I love it. I play lots of competitions in Wales, like five competitions a year, and then I play in different places in Europe. Sometimes I train in Swansea, but here mostly, I do training in Europe as well.”
Where can you participate in table tennis training in Cardiff?
From the final in the fourth quarter of 1901, the table tennis team rose and expended rapidly in Cardiff. If you have an interest in this sport, here are the clubs you can join in.