An innovative workshop in Cardiff is hoping to tackle the problem of male suicides that are almost four times as high as the figures for women.

Over 50 men in Cardiff have been learning how to share their inner most thoughts in a bid to tackle male suicide.
The All-Wales Men’s Suicide Prevention Discovery Workshop is an innovative new project that aims to create a safe-space to help men discuss issues around their mental health.
“There’s a stigma around sharing your feelings with other men,” said workshop co-organiser Scott McGregor. “They can see it as weak. They can be embarrassed or ashamed that they’re not feeling confident or on top of their game. Therefore, they isolate, play video games take drugs. But what we’re trying to do is set an example so men can feel safe to say hey, I need to get something off my chest. I know they’ve been here listen to them.”

The workshop gathered information on issues men are facing, what works to support them in that struggle and how a men’s network might help.
Scott said, “It can be from people feeling isolated like they don’t have anyone to talk to, or it can be such pressures, in their financial relationship or otherwise becomes too great for them. There are a lot of different reasons, but I think it all can be helped by men feeling they can talk to one another and not fold.”
In 2021, 6319 deaths by suicide were registered in Great Britain. The rate was higher than it had been in 2005-2012 and 2016-2017. Also, the male suicide rate of 16.9 deaths per 100,000 in England and Wales was the highest since 2000, according to the Office for National Statistics.

This workshop aimed to explore how various groups can engage more men. These groups might be ones where men walk together, build houses together, or gather in a circle to talk. The goal is to create environments where men feel safe to join these circles and receive the help they need.
Scott said, “We’ve gathered information that we’re gonna feedback to the NHS, and then we’ll decide how to best move forward. But everyone in the rooms and suicide asked to do more of these gatherings like this. collaborate together and find ways to help more men.”

This is a free event for men in Wales who are members of groups, group leaders or men who are interested in establishing groups. A North Wales event is planned for March 2024.
For more detail, click Men’s Suicide Prevention Discovery Workshop.