‘Walking in nature clears my brain’: hiking around the Welsh coastline

With spring on its way, take advantage of the Welsh countryside in this interactive adventure around the coast.

With fresh spring air coming and daffodils blooming, attention turns from indoor activities to outdoor excursions. Wales has a wealth of hiking opportunities wherever you are, and if you only have a short time to explore the country, make sure to include these ideas in your list.

“Almost every weekend I take short trips around Cardiff, including visits to coal industry sites, mountain hiking or small museums,” said Wenchen LU, a postgraduate student at Cardiff University. He has made an effort to explore as much of South Wales as he can to learn more about Wales’ industrial past, though some of his favourite visits tend to include hikes and the countryside.

“I’m also interested in hiking [in] South Wales,” said LU. “I find the South Wales valleys very interesting, with a basin in the middle and hills on both sides.”

Key: Dark Green – Major Sites, Light Green – Site Highlights