WATCH: Green-fingered gardeners hit Cardiff on Seedy Saturday

GARDENERS planted the seed of enthusiasm at Seedy Saturday, held at Chapter on Saturday.
The event, held by Canton Community Garden and Cardiff in Bloom, aimed to encourage people to get out to grow their own plants, food and engage young children in gardening.
Canton Councillor Richard Cook, chair of the community garden said: “People are becoming more and more interested in urban gardens.
“We are also looking at creating a new community garden on Landstead Road where there is a bit of empty land, where there used to be houses but they have been knocked down.

Children from around Cardiff to show their green fingers
Children from around Cardiff to show their green fingers

“The idea is to show people how with a bit of scrap land we can grow vegetables, herbs and fruits. That is the point of the garden – it’s not to produce a lot of stuff but to demonstrate that with a bit of land we can grow things and when they are ripe, people can come along and pick them.
“It’s also vital that people know where their fruit and veg come from.”
With bugs and insects to handle as well as the chance to plant seeds in wellies, there was plenty for kids to do as well.
Neve Howells, nine years old: “We’ve been planting seeds in wellies. We planted seeds that will attract bumble bees, butterflies and other insects.”
Brother Finlay, seven, added: “We’ve watered them and now we can take them home. We’ve had a lot of fun.”