Vincent with his van during the second day of his protest. Passersby signed his placard in support.

Parking victory for Splott man in van blockade protest

Vincent with his van during the second day of his protest. Passersby signed his placard in support.
Vincent Crowley on the second day of his Splott protest.

A SPLOTT man today claimed victory for his protest against parking fines being handed out on his street.

Vincent Crowley promised to end his blockade of Moorland Street. He had spent this Monday and Tuesday in his van preventing access to the construction works at Beresford Road bridge.
Mr Crowley, 53, was angry that the Network Rail works had forced residents to park on double yellow lines and some had received fines.
On Wednesday he was visited by officers from the highways and enforcement officers from Cardiff Council and a project manager from Network Rail.

The council officers agreed to allow Mr Crowley and other residents to park on the double yellow lines at the north end of Moorland Road while work to raise the Beresford Road bridge continues.

Mr Crowley said: “Everyone involved seems happy with the result. My neighbours and I are glad we will have space to park our cars.

“The council has said we should appeal the parking tickets we have received and I am hopeful they will be quashed.”

The third day of Mr Crowley’s protest had begun with a visit from South Wales Police who told him to move his van further up the road to avoid causing obstruction.

Mr Crowley moved his van and lit a fire in a bin to keep warm.
By the end of the day the delivery driver had collected the signatures of 60 passers-by on a protest placard.

“As long as we don’t have any more parking tickets while the construction work is going on we will be fine, but if we do then I’m prepared to put the blockade back up.”

A spokesman for Cardiff Council said: “Council officers and Network Rail attended Moorland Road at about 4pm yesterday to meet the gentleman protesting by Beresford Road bridge.

“We have come to a mutual agreement that satisfies all parties while the bridge is closed. This will ensure that Network Rail are able to access the bridge from Moorland Road to deliver vital supplies so they can continue their work on schedule.”
Work to raise the Beresford Road Bridge will continue until next spring 2017.