AWEN is a project centred around Whitchurch Library aiming to promote greater community use of the library through a series of a cultural events.
“Awen” means inspiration in Welsh and also stands for Arts Whitchurch Eglwys Newydd – Eglwys Newydd being the Welsh for Whitchurch.
The charitable incorporated organisation – which gained its status last year – describes itself as the “home of arts” in Whitchurch.
Its programme of regular and one-off events is modelled on centres like Chapter Arts in Canton.
In the wake of shrinking council budgets services have been consolidated into multi-functional community centres across Cardiff. Splott’s recent STAR Hub is another example.
Only last year Whitchurch Library – along with seven other libraries around Cardiff – faced axed funding.
The grade two listed building was built in 1904 and has been in use for over a century.
Library staff still worry about the future of the building.
In the face of a Cardiff Council budget gap of £74 million over the next three years facilities like these will continue struggling with financial constraints.
Staff hope that upcoming AWEN events like Rhodri: A Political Life in Wales and Westminster can help.
The bilingual presentation takes place in Whitchurch Rugby Club on Friday October 27 launching Rhodri Morgan’s autobiography.
His widow, Cardiff North AM Julie Morgan, and brother, historian Prys Morgan, will share their memories of the former First Minister of Wales.
For further information on AWEN’s schedule, see their website.

Whitchurch Library, Charley-Kai John.