Supporters look to raise as much as possible for Headway Cardiff at May events
A CHARITY that supports those with brain injuries and illnesses has been chosen to benefit from Radyr and Morganstown Festival.
Headway Cardiff and South East Wales supports those with different brain injuries and offers emotional help to the families.
The festival takes place across Radyr and Morganstown and features theatre shows, concerts and other events for the first two weeks of May 2022.

‘’We are very, very grateful for the support. We understand not everybody will be affected by any of these illnesses, but the support means the world,’’ said Kathryn Jones, communications and fundraising manager for Headway Cardiff.
Each year, the volunteers who make up Radyr and Morganstown Association choose a charity to benefit from the festival. They have raised over £250,000 for good causes since 1987.
A spokesperson for the RMA said: ‘’The fundraising can only happen because of the generosity of local residents and everyone planning and attending individual events all have an important role to play.’’
Headway Cardiff was chosen some time ago but fund-raising was delayed due to Covid.
‘’We are delighted with the rapport we have already established with the team from Headway Cardiff and are really hopeful for a good outcome,’’ said the RMA spokesman.
‘’We don’t set targets- and certainly not in these Covid -restricted times. We believe that by informing the community of the work of the charity, and allowing people to enjoy themselves whilst raising money, we will support the charity, generate community spirit, and allow other local organisations to thrive,’’ said the RMA spokesman.
The RMA is now on the search for volunteers to join the new Radyr and Morganstown Friends of Headway Cardiff and South East Wales group to help with fundraising.