“I don’t think this is necessarily a bin problem – it’s a people problem”
ENFORCEMENT officers will begin patrolling Lisvane next week to fine people for not picking up after their dogs.
Dog owners will be handed a £100 ‘on the spot’ fine which can rise to £1,000 if not paid within 14 days.
The measures come in response to a recent surge in complaints about dog mess with some streets described as ‘obstacle courses’.
Carole Bennett, who lives near Cefn Onn Parc, said: “I think the fouling and poo bag abandonment has got worse recently.
“Seeing poo bags for me has spoilt our beautiful doorstep walks and makes me cross. Poo fairies don’t exist, and it definitely doesn’t decompose.”

Clerk to Lisvane Community Council Haydn Davies said: “Dog fouling has never been such a problem and I have been receiving a lot of complaints.
“I have talked to the council and they will be putting up more warning stickers in the area. From next week patrols will be coming to the area to enforce the new laws.”
Dog poo hotspots include Llwyn Y Pia Road, Graig Road, Mill Road, Cefn Onn Park, Coed Y Felin woods and the areas surrounding Lisvane train station and tennis club.

Patrols, fines, more bins and more awareness are all options to tackle the issue.
Mr Davies believes there are enough bins in most places. He said: “I don’t think this is necessarily a bin problem- it’s a people problem.”
Ms Bennett confirmed this. She said: “I’m not sure who would think it’s okay to pick it up and put it in a bag in a tree or by the side of the road.
“If the bin is full why don’t people take it home with them.”
But others have called for more bins, particularly on Llwyn Y Pia Road.

Lisvane councillor David Walker said: “I recently asked for bins to be placed by the entrances/exits to Coed Y Felin Woods and that has helped greatly.
“But then some non-dog owners comment negatively about the smell of the bins, so you can’t win.”
Coun Walker added: “On the whole most dog owners in Lisvane act responsibly and clear up after their dogs.”
The main complaint made regarding Parc Cefn Onn is dogs being unruly, jumping up at people and occasionally knocking them over.

Coun Walker said: “I have asked for ranger visits to enforce the ‘Dogs must be under control’ requirement.”
Coun Walker, Mr Davies and Ms Bennett believe higher dog ownership in Lisvane might be contributing to this problem.
Pet ownership has jumped across the UK.

You can report dog fouling to the council here.
For other concerns about dogs contact the Dog Warden on 029 2071 1243.