It’s a greener option, according to a Cardiff funeral director, who also hopes it might be popular with cyclists who’ve passed away
A FUNERAL director in Cardiff is offering a more environmentally-friendly cycling funeral service across Cardiff and the UK.
Mark Thomas came up with the idea of an electric assisted bicycle hearse after wanting to offer families in the area a greener option compared to the traditional hearse.
“The idea that we can provide what is almost a carbon-neutral alternative to Cardiff is something which other companies in the area just can’t do,” he said.
The electric push bikes are driven by a solar-powered battery meaning that they are greener than other car-led funeral services.
The cycle hearse is driven by a rider who dresses in traditional funeral wear, complete with driver’s cap.
The coffin fits securely on the front of the 5mph cycle hearse, which has three wheels. It also comes with a canopy to protect against unpredictable weather conditions.
In case of breakdown, it carries a puncture repair kit as well as a spare battery.
For funerals outside Cardiff, the bikes are transported by trailer and to offset the impact on the environment of longer-distance ceremonies, the company plants a tree for every funeral outside the city.
Since starting, the company has conducted seven cycle hearse ceremonies across Cardiff and elsewhere including Southampton.

Father of three Mr Thomas said that the electric hearse scheme has not been as widely used as they would like, but said it was more of a passion project from him. “As a funeral director, I’m certainly not traditional,” he said.
Recent funerals include a service for Chris Harris, owner of Chris Harris Cycles (now Damien Harris Cycles) following his death in early March 2023.
Mr Thomas said of the cycle hearse funeral option: “If they were a keen cyclist, why wouldn’t you want them to have their final ride?”