A 40-year-lease agreement between the club and Cardiff Council would allow Rhiwbina RFC to refurbish the facilities for all sports teams in the community
RHIWBINA RFC plans to improve facilities at Caedelyn Park for the whole community if they agree to lease the ground from Cardiff Council.
A 40-year leasing agreement could create new funding streams for the under-funded North Cardiff suburb, which would allow much-needed refurbishments to the changing rooms on the rugby team’s home turf.
It will also allow the club to secure the pitch-side bungalow, that has been part of the park for over 50 years, but is currently unoccupied and in a state of disrepair.

Because the building has been empty for the past two years it can attract “troublesome” people that gather to vandalise the building.
“The bungalow has become a site for anti-social behaviour and mindless vandalism. Inevitably the local community suffer the knock on consequences,” said Steve Juniper, Secretary of Rhiwbina RFC.
“We intend to secure this area to prevent any further issues with the building, thus increasing security for neighbouring residents and giving additional peace of mind.”
Their plans are set to benefit the whole community. The refurbished changing rooms will be available for all clubs to rent for a small fee – even football clubs – to allow the facilities to be self-funding.

“Rhiwbina RFC is very much a community-based club, our players and volunteers are from the local community, we train and play our home games locally and have a rich history of working with local charities and helping them with fundraising,” said the spokesperson.
“Our ambition is to refurbish these changing rooms to a high standard and provide a building that is fit for all members of the community and local sports clubs, such as football, to use as a shared space for the whole community”.
The club, which consists of 350 players aged six to 60, hope that these plans could lead to a prosperous 40 years for North Cardiff’s Caedelyn Park.