Loose clothing, green recycling bags, and even food waste are among the items dumped nearly every week
RESIDENTS on Western Avenue North are suffering at the hands of fly-tippers on an almost weekly basis.

Clothing, including shorts, trousers, and a pink dressing gown, were dumped at the entrance to the underpass in the latest incident, along with several full green bin bags.
Hayley Williams lives just opposite the underpass on Western Avenue North, and said the fly-tipping happens every week.
It all appears together, and it’s always household items, said Ms Williams, who thinks it could be someone having a house clear-out.
However, she said she has also seen food waste dumped there in the past.
“The birds and rats had got into it. I’ve gone over and cleaned it up, because it’s so messy. It’s shocking,” she said.

Ms Williams has seen people rifling through the clothes, despite there being a clothes bank just behind Western Avenue North.
“I don’t know why the person doesn’t just take the clothes there,” said Ms Williams.
“I don’t think whoever is doing it is poorly educated. I think they are deliberately doing it. It’s so disappointing. It’s just such a shame,” she said.
The fly-tipping is always in the same location, next to a council litter bin at the entrance to the underpass.
“I think they think in their mind, whoever is doing it, that because it’s by the bin, it’s ok. But obviously it’s not,” said Ms Williams.
Paul Rock lives in Llandaff North, and cycles through the underpass on his way into town, reporting the fly-tipping whenever he sees it.
“Often, the bin isn’t necessarily full. So whoever is doing it, isn’t taking the time to put it in the bin. They are actually just dumping it there and going.
“It makes no sense to me at all. It’s been going on for a long time. Several years, I think,” said Mr Rock.
But Ms Williams said more belongings are being left each time. “It just seems like it’s getting worse at the minute,” she said.
Mr Rock said installing a camera could help identify the culprit.
“The council would have to work with a neighbour who’s willing to do that. But it would probably be quite quick,” he said.

Whoever is dumping the rubbish seems to be choosing a time when no-one is around.
“I’m coming and going. My mum comes and goes,” said Ms Williams. “I’ve taken the dog out for a walk, come back, and it’s there. It’s so frustrating. If I saw them I would say, you need to take that home, it’s not OK.”
Residents praised the speed at which the council clears the waste.
“They are trying to keep on top of it, and keep it clean. But as soon as it’s cleared, there’s new waste that appears,” said Ms Williams.
“Usually, within 24 hours, the council will come and take it away,” said Mr Rock. “But that doesn’t seem to be dealing with the root cause, which is, clearly, somebody’s got a habit of dumping stuff there.”
The Cardiffian spoke to other residents who did not wish to go on the record. One of them described the fly-tipping as “disgusting”.
On February 13, Llandaff North Labour posted about the issue on their public Facebook page.

A Cardiff Council spokesperson confirmed that this was an ongoing issue, and waste enforcement officers had visited the site on each occasion that fly-tipping had been reported, and removed the waste.
“Evidence has now been found, so inquiries are taking place which could lead to enforcement action being taken,” said the council spokesperson.
This is just the latest in a number of fly-tipping incidents across Cardiff. The Cardiffian previously reported on fly-tipping in Roath and Llanedeyrn.
- Fly-tipping can be reported via the council’s website, or via the ‘Cardiff Gov’ App.