Left: Cardiff Market. Right: Adam El Tagoury, manager of Cardiff Bakestones.

WATCH: Please use cash instead of cards, Cardiff Market stall owner urges shoppers

Every time a shopper pays by card, the trader has to pay a small fee – and those pennies quickly add up

A STALL owner in Cardiff Market is encouraging customers to pay by cash instead of card to keep money local.

Adam El Tagoury, 42, has been running Cardiff Bakestones for the last few months after taking over the family business.

Since every card transaction charges a small percentage fee, businesses don’t get to keep the whole payment.

Cardiff Bakestones has introduced a minimum spend for card transactions and a poster reminding customers to use cash if they can.

Transaction fees usually range from 0.75% to 3.5% but can sometimes be as high as 6%, according to finance website Experlu.

While small, they put extra pressure on small businesses already facing rising prices.

More and more people are now choosing to pay by card rather than cash, with new technologies like contactless making it even more convenient.