CURRENTLY, 15 percent of shops on Cardiff Queen Street are empty, as the pandemic has accelerated the decline of the high street.
Landlords and housing associations called on to boost temporary accommodation for people seeking sanctuary in Wales
INTERNATIONAL "social darts" chain Flight Club submitted planning permission for a premise on St Marys Street late last year.
Tonight Josephine, described as a female-led cocktail lounge, to open next month
CARDIFF Half Marathon is finally set to return, for the first time since October 2019, having been cancelled three times previously due to Covid-19.
TRANSPORT for Wales (TfW) have started a £40million refurbishment project across their fleet with updated Class 175 trains back on the tracks.
Cardiff club night Dirty Pop announced today that its final night will be on March 5, 2022 after being based on Clwb Ifor Bach's ground floor for nearly 14 years.
The event was forced to pause due to government bans on large outdoor events.
AFTER a spate of violence and vandalism in Bute Park last year, a report on Community Engagement and Safety in Parks was put to the Council’s Cabinet.
A new secure facility for people in Cardiff to store their bikes in the city centre will open on Windsor Place in early 2022 through a council partnership. The facility, where Cardiff Council has paired with The Bike Lock Ltd, will provide secure storage for at least 50 bikes, a cafe, workspace as well as shower and changing facilities.