LABOUR MP Anna McMorrin has launched a campaign with the Alzheimer’s Society to make her Cardiff North constituency dementia friendly. Information sessions run...
Residents are worried they will get fined over a mistake or due to someone else’s rubbish CARDIFF Council launched its...
WELSH Water has applied for permission to build 1,640 metres of security fence around Llanishen and Lisvane reservoirs to keep out trespassers.
THE redevelopment of Lisvane Old School into a new Community Centre is set to go ahead next week, as funding issues have been resolved.
NEARLY 20 drivers a day are being caught out and fined after traffic bollards were replaced by cameras in Llansihen....
Library, cafe, IT Centre and meeting rooms will be included in the £1.2m scheme WORK is set to begin redeveloping...
Increased traffic and pollution, and pressure on surgeries and schools are among concerns in Lisvane
Police close roads around war memorial for Remembrance service SOUTH Wales Police closed Church Road, Lisvane Road and St Mellons...
Almost half of a £100,000 Welsh Government grant is at risk due to drainage report issues THE PROJECT to extend...