AIR pollution and green spaces are top priorities for Green Party candidate Anthony Slaughter in Penarth’s local government elections in...
CO-LEADER of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley discussed Trump, Brexit and issues closer to home during his visit to Penarth today....
WAKEBOARDING and new housing developments are top of the agenda for Plaid Cymru in Penarth’s local government elections in May. Plaid...
PENARTH’S Handmade Market welcomed more than 400 visitors for its Christmas event on Friday – less than half last year’s figure,...
THE team behind music festival GlastonBARRY have announced the headline acts for their upcoming Penarth Rocks event. This will be...
BREXIT, benefits and a new book were all on the agenda for former Home Secretary Alan Johnson when he visited...
A PENARTH charity wanting to build a cafe especially for disabled children held a masquerade ball as part of its launch. Oshi’s...
VOLUNTEERS wanting to transform St Augustine’s churchyard in Penarth have been awarded a grant of £8,000 from the Heritage Lottery...
FOOTAGE showing a meteor in the skies above Penarth has been revealed to be a deliberate hoax designed by an...
THE Vale of Glamorgan Council has agreed a 3.9% increase in council tax for the following year. At a full...