'It’s a special feeling to see him look so happy after what he has been through,' says his mum
Over 100 years since leagues started in South Wales, the pastime is looking for younger members
The motorist was also high on cocaine when police questioned him outside his Gibbonsdown home
The son of a Barry snooker legend was only called up to replace Ronnie O'Sullivan just two days before the Welsh Open began.
Mother-of-three dabbed whisky on her teeth to ease the pain but 'must have imbibed some', court told
Project will turn landmarks from eyesores to eye-catching
Steve Thomas, 45, of Barry, competed in his sixth Paralympic Games, and third separate sport.
When so many Welsh clubs play their football in England, is there a place for a national league? Statistics suggest there is.
An Investigation has been launched after a dead swan at Knap Gardens, Barry was found to have Avian Flu
Power outages are being reported across Cardiff