Oasis will host Extinction Rebellion, the COP26 Coalition and a variety of local businesses for a day of environmentally friendly festivities.
A decision to renew planning permission for a biomass powerplant in Splott was made on Wednesday by the Planning Committee
A decision on plans for the development of a biomass power plant in Splott are likely to take place tomorrow morning
Tackling climate crisis is great way to rebuild economy, say experts As the Welsh Government considers how to recover from...
“Bigger storms mean bigger floods, which are absolutely devastating,” says climate expert FLOOD-HIT areas across Cardiff face even greater disruption as the severity...
Table tennis sensation Anna Hursey, 13, will use status to drive a green agenda in sport A WELSH teenage table-tennis...
‘We have a 12-year ultimatum, nothing has changed so we continue to strike’ A WELSH youth organisation held a climate change protest marching from Cardiff...
Taff Housing Association wants to build 45 affordable homes on green space in the Taff River Corridor RESIDENTS of Danescourt...
THIS Saturday Cardiffians and businesses across Wales are pledging to do more than just switch off their lights to help...
CARDIFF University will receive £5 million to set up a new research centre to explore new ways to tackle climate...