THE people of Penarth are celebrating the official end of winter with festivities inspired by the success of last year’s National...
THE culture of Wales is alive and well in the city of Hong Kong. Founded in 1978, the Hong Kong...
A PORTUGUESE community centre has opened in Adamsdown to support the country’s South Wales diaspora. The Portugal-Wales Community Resource Centre...
AN AUDIENCE of more than 100 people gathered in Adamsdown for a celebration of music in support of refugees that...
A GROUP supporting Whitchurch Library against the threat of closure now has charitable status, spurring on plans for a series of events....
CAMPAIGNERS and performers took over the Senedd for a day in the latest stage of a project designed to encourage...
THE St David’sDay announcement that Welsh poet and educator Sophie McKeand is to become the new Young People’s Laureate of...
CARDIFF’S annual St David’s Day Parade went ahead today despite the council’s decision to withdraw all funds from the event....
CARDIFF’S Philip Jones has been shortlisted for the inaugural New Welsh Writing Awards 2015. First prize includes £1,000 cash, e-publication...
An online petition to stop Cardiff Council selling the running of St David’s Hall and the New Theatre has gathered...
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