A mum has started a free toy scheme to help families struggling to afford Christmas this year
A PETITION has been set up against the proposed new cycle path on Allensbank Road, until parking provisions have been made for affected residents.
Figures also reveal that anti-social behaviour is on the decline
The Dracs have new co-managers, a new stand and are in a new league – now they just need the green light from Sport Wales.
Llandaff North's virtual Christmas lights switch-on was watched by 1500 people on Saturday, while YGC Rebel Mams got started on their festive plans
The proposed centre on Sachville Avenue would replace the outdated and insufficient facilities at Whitchurch Road Surgery.
RESIDENTS of Llandaff North, Gabalfa and Whitchurch report that students are parking dangerously making residential roads too narrow for emergency...
A £25,000 road safety scheme in Gabalfa has become ineffective since bollards were removed a week after they were installed,...
RESIDENTS have called for land in Gabalfa which had been earmarked for student flats to be bought in preparation for...
MINI-TENNIS has been launched at Llandaff Fields in the hopes of getting younger children involved in the sport. A new...