Cardiff has a long history that showcases inclusivity of the LGTBQ+ community, giving a new meaning to being openly gay in the city.

The evolution of the LGBTQ+ community in Cardiff is longstanding. It is vital to know the history of any community to understand the present situation of that group. The history also guides others and teaches through its mistakes. Wales has a long history of LGBTQ+ personalities as well as activism.
Perhaps the most prominent year that showcases the evolution of the LGBTQ+ community began at the pride march of 1985 in Queen Street. A time where individuals found pride in their own identity and fought for their rights.
Being LGBTQ+ in present Cardiff is easier as society has become more accepting. Like the city itself, the gay scene is small and compact – but has a lot to offer.

Copyrights to the 1985 Pride march belong to ITV, credits to Newsoundwales

Queer or Questioning
CC: Photo by Sharon McCutchon, Pexels
This map shows the different historical places in Cardiff that has a historic meaning to the community.