Peace activists and a large mob gather at the Central Square for a peace rally in hopes of seeking justice for the war-affected in Palestine.

Peace activists in Wales hosted a national march for Palestine at Cardiff Central Square last Saturday.
The rally kicked off at 1pm, close to the railway station. It was held as a part of ‘Stop The War Coalition’ meeting that was organised on Wednesday to discuss the best way to end the ongoing conflict in Gaza with an immediate ceasefire.
“There needs to be a solution. There needs to be a commitment from the international communities and Israeli Government to enter into a proper peace process and also a reconstruction, for they destroyed lives and livelihoods of the people of both sides,” said peace activist Dominic Macaskill.

Several Palestinian speakers and other activists took part in the rally dressed in pro-Palestine clothing.
“We see women and children being bombed and we can’t stand seeing that happen. The trauma faced by them needs to be addressed immediately,” said Marianne Owens, PCS NEC member.
With over 14,000 Palestinian deaths including over 5,000 children, more bombings are still reported.

The devastating number of the affected has taken a toll on humanity. Various protests and demonstrations are held in order to make people aware about the ‘dreadful’ situation faced by the victims.
According to John Reese, National Officer Stop The War Coalition, this is not some deep unresolvable religious conflict, as everyone lived in the same land peacefully with one another for years and now, one group of people are being kicked out and exploited for the benefit of the other. “People should do something about this injustice,” he said.

What could be done for the lasting peace between the two groups is still left undecided.
The future of Gaza lies in deep uncertainty. The accelerating violence between Israel and Hamas has now turned into an unanswered question- till when will this atrocity go on?
“The issue of Palestine is the moral issue of our time. To come out of this current situation, the rebuilding of Gaza should be vouched for,” said peace activist Betty Hunter.
Ms. Hunter later on added, “We have to make the peace and justice for the affected a reality, and we can do that by carrying on this struggle to build a movement for them.”