Protests all around the world are asking for increased women safety. We asked people in Cardiff if they felt safe here.

According to surveys, more than 70% of women in the United Kingdom have experienced sexual harassment in public places. Only 3% of women aged 18 to 24 have not been directly assaulted.
This is a global issue; nearly nine out of ten women around the world feel uncomfortable in public spaces. Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a consequence of violence.
From 2018 to 2023, there was a 37% increase in violent crimes against women and girls.
Gender inequality, ignorance, inaction, the spread of misogynistic online networks, and the consumption of pornography may all contribute to these figures (41% of professional content on free porn platforms depicts violence against women).
Chantelle Baldwin, 27, insurance worker

“It depends where I am. So, if I am like in town, by myself, late at night, I don’t like it at all. I will always have my phone in hand, never in my pockets. One time I was walking to the train station; someone came by on a bike and groped my butt. For a while, I didn’t feel comfortable, I remember the time I wanted to crying. They were on a bike and they went by so quick. Not that I could have done something.”
Michael Young, 25, patient advisor

“Not myself particularly because I look a bit more intimidating to others. But I know people feel scared to go out alone at night. I have seen on Twitch, any women playing games – as soon as they go on voice chat get immediately barraged with sexual comments and hate speech. No one should be subjected to harassment and hate. We need to be stricter with what can be said online. Nine times outs of ten people get away with saying things online. “
Ari Azhar, 22, student

“In the city centre, yes – with more students here. But near the accommodations I would video call my boyfriend to feel safe. Even online, a lot of unwanted attention, but I don’t give them attention. I am lucky to have my boyfriend to accompany me to places. Even in broad daylight sometimes I don’t feel safe. We should not enforce this traditional mindset on women that they should cover up. We should teach men to be more sensitive. “
Junyou Wee, 23, customer service

“Maybe when walking alone in a very sketchy part, I do feel somewhat unsafe. My girlfriend was walking back from somewhere and felt scared. She had to video call me to feel safe. As citizens they have the right to feel safe and walk to where they want. Cardiff could do better in this regard, there are definitely pockets of the city where you feel like you can’t walk alone. Social Media companies should work on cutting down toxic masculinity content. “
Mrs. Wright, 56, civil servant

“I would not put myself in that position. I think females owe it to themselves to be responsible and not find themselves by themselves. A lot of men are speaking out to other men about how they treat women. I do think a lot of it has to do with the younger generation and alcohol. I think she should not be drinking so much that she is unaware of her own personal safety.”