Children living in Grangetown are getting more playing zones thanks to the city council’s new program commencing in March.

Children in Grangetown, Cardiff can expect to have more open playing areas in their doorway thanks to the Cardiff council’s new initiate this year.
A joint program to renovate current lanes into green, safe playing zones for children in Grangetown, Cardiff has been brought by Cardiff Council, Cardiff University & the green community Grange Pavilion this month. It aims to give the citizen a chance to take part in designing, changing their streets into a better way and offering children spaces to play not far from doorstep distance.
Cardiff Councilor, cabinet member of education Sarah Merry says, ‘‘The idea is to have the design in conversation with the community, so the only way this could actually work, is their supporting and they take part in designing the space, so they got an investment in their working.’’
‘‘There are two parts of the this actually, one is the UN conventional invites for children rights to play, also we see a lot of back lanes can become a good place to play and also can reduce unsocial behavior and fly-tipping, but many people don’t actually use their lanes that often because if they don’t have a garage, it’s easy to park on the street, so it’s about utilizing that opportunity.’’

What Councilor Merry really wanted to stress other than the importance of encouraging children to get out during this special time is that this could work only and in a better way in decision making with the citizens’ involving, but not just them stay in a role of voting.

A local resident of Grangetown, Nora, 78, who has 3 grandchildren from her household said ‘‘Currently kids can play outside, they usually get out, I feel this is a great neighborhood, and also good to hear council has this project, but I do not feel safe to let them play alone by the doorways with all the fast traffic going on.’’
Another resident was walking her 3-year-old boy on the street, said every time when she trying to access her kid to The Marl park, she has to walk more than 10 minutes to cross few streets.

Fiona McAllister, campaign organizer of Keep Grangetown Tidy, and also other volunteers from the campaign, says that the reason for having this is because the currently gated and uncared lanes there give zero access for children to play safely away from traffic, it would also be pleasant turning those spaces into areas where can be of use, such as growing greens, have a chat or afternoon tea, etc.
”If the lanes are being cared for and used regularly then we hope that there will be less fly-tipping and litter in the future, and less for Keep Grangetown Tidy to do!” says Fiona.

Cardiff Councilor Ashley lister also adds that he really hopes this can help children to play in a larger space and wishes to implement this in other areas in Cardiff & Vale spaces in the future.
”We are currently investing in our play areas, with Grange Gardens being revamped and the play area at Sevenoaks was invested in. We will continue to work with the community and the Council to improve them.” Says Councilor Ashley, ”The initiative is being brought forward now as part of the Council’s commitment to the UNICEF Child-Friendly City project, to help create safer spaces for children to play and grow.”
Now the nominating process is underway, the E-mail address: is opened to take suggestions from citizens.