A Riverside park recently redeveloped at a cost of around £200,000 has not lost its antisocial behaviour problem, say local residents.

A Riverside park recently redeveloped at a cost of around £200,000 by the local council has not lost it’s anti-social behaviour problem, say local residents.
However local residents have since complained that the developments have made no difference, with the park still being a bed of noise trouble and rubbish
“The park looks great now” says Sandy, a mother who comes to the park with her children. She continued, “But I don’t think it’s done much to fix the problems that were there”.

The park situated amid a bustling cross section of roads in the riverside borough was redeveloped by the council through the Council’s Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme which delivers regeneration projects across the city.
Before the development, local residents complained about the park being a hot spot for underage drinking, smoking and all other types of antisocial activities.
“The problem was always in the evening”, said Michael 58 a local resident, “You still get kids smoking, drinking on those stupid bikes, it’s just not a nice place to be”

Councillor Jennifer Burke in an Instagram post asserted that “it’s the perfect spot for socialising, exercising or enjoying the outdoors” but locals disagree.
A local resident Janine Sailor said, “It was pretty bad before with the shouting and playing about all hours of the night”.