The HSBC branch on Holton Road in Barry is set to close in September.
The new Centre for Learning and Wellbeing will provide education for 60 pupils aged 11 to 16.
UNSAFE structures at Barry Island Pleasure Park are due to be removed as demolition gets under way at the popular tourist attraction.
Barry Town Council reveals a 2.3% council tax rise alongside proposed budget.
LOOTERS and vandals have damaged "several areas" of a beach near Barry since the discovery of a fossilised dinosaur footprint.
4-YEAR-OLD Lily Wilder was walking with her father Richard on their way to the supermarket when she found "The finest impression of a 215 million old dinosaur print found in Britain in a decade." according to Archeology Cymru. The print is 110mm in length and matches a small bipedal dinosaur called a Grallator.
New Green Infrastructure improvements are underway across the town using trees and wildflowers to prevent flooding.
As unemployment in Wales rises, here are the groups providing free food to those in need this Christmas ORGANISATIONS across...
A NEW Resource Recovery Facility in Barry has raised ‘significant concerns’ that it could contaminate surrounding land and controlled waters.
Councillors concerned that ‘considerable uncertainty’ will result in restructuring council services