From digital Eisteddfods to celebrity judges, children across the capital are making the most of it despite Coronavirus restrictions
CATHAYS councillors have tried to solve parking issues on Rhymney Street by reducing double yellow lines.
WELSH Government have changed their guidance on student flats to allow residents to use shared facilities at the same time.
Lent is a period of 40 days when Christians give up small pleasures such as chocolate or sweets or social media.
AS PART of the #ChalkBack movement, two midwifery students are drawing statistics and personal stories of harassment in chalk on the streets of Cardiff and posting them to Instagram.
POLICE issued over sixty fines in one weekend for seven separate house parties in Cathays.
IF you have been walking around Cardiff this month, you may have seen a giant boob making its way around the city.
Cardiff’s only outdoor cycle track, located in Maindy, will be built on if plans to expand Cathays High School are approved.
NATIONAL Museum Cardiff has launched a competition for an artist to create artwork which will help the museum reframe the controversial legacy of Sir Thomas Picton.
A LOCAL artist has been creating graffiti-style wall art around Cardiff with the help of vulnerable young people who he works with.