LAZAROS Sofikitis was months into beginning a full-time career as an artist when he was diagnosed with Glioblastoma at the age of 32
The voluntary work of the Davies family has earned them awards and accolades and spanned three generations
“The centre saved my life to be honest with you. I was lost before I came here. I used to get into trouble all the time. These people saved me in my eyes.”
They’ve been seeing far more of the large blue bottles, which are 75 times bigger than the regular size
Welsh Wanderers reach new heights, three decades after they were founded
A family from Cardiff is seeking donations towards their son’s life saving surgery
The leafy neighbourhood becomes knee-deep in mulch every autumn
The Cardiffian talks to independent stall owners about trade, gift ideas and coming back after lockdown
The artists running the centre said it has helped them develop their own work
For just £5, you can buy a food voucher to help someone in food poverty